Sometimes game faces can be, well, intense, like Sweden’s Hanna Brodin (now Erikson)
We’ve all been there. A bad race, bad moment, or maybe it was a really good race with really bad photo timing. Whatever the case may be, we want to see those race photos where you look like you’re truly suffering. Borrowing the theme of a primarily running-race-based website, Seriously Ugly Race Pics, “Show us your ugly!”
Photos from ski races as well as dryland (running, biking, etc.) events are encouraged. Email your best worst-looking photo to [email protected] with the subject line “Ugly race photo”. Include your full name, city and state, as well as the race you are pictured in and a caption to go along with it. FasterSkier will publish favorite photos and award winning man and woman.

Something like this 2012 photo of FasterSkier editor Alex Kochon (l) and her brother running through a Tough Mudder “Electroshock Therapy” obstacle will work.